The gaming industry is developing like never before. In this regard, many players are concerned about the quality video games, which do not require the internet. In this article we have collected the top offline games. Enjoy!
Top of the best offline games
In this article we have collected some good video games that do not require an internet connection. Let’s start with the first place.
Adventures of Pip
Top offline games can’t be full without this cutie. Adventures of Pip by TicToc Games — is a side-scrolling action platformer that has an interesting plot: evolving and switching a pixelated hero between his 1-bit and 16-bit forms to fight level after level of thugs and bosses.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Of course, the best offline games should be catching. Since its presentation in 2007, it has captured many events and epochs, including Ancient Greece, Italian Renaissance, and American Independence War. The most recent installment of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla features a Viking invasion of ninth-century England, an era of warring kingdoms and Viking conquests. While Valhalla doesn’t bring anything entirely new to the series, it is an incredible PC game that continues the development of the equally outstanding orators, Origins and Odyssey.
Axiom Verge
We can’t leave the top of offline games without this game. Developer Tom Happ, known for his work on the EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour and NFL Street franchises, became independent and created a delightful example of the exploratory action genre (also known as Metroidvania). This 2D platformer combines the best features of classic side-scrollers like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Metroid to delight newcomers to the genre as well as highly experienced gamers. Axiom Verge is a fun and engaging game, but the drawn-out story elements and pointless weapons slightly spoil the fun.

Batman: Arkham City
Batman is always in the list of «Best offline games». “If you liked X, you’ll love Y!” may be the worst of critical review, but sometimes even this is better than nothing. So here’s the thing: If you liked Batman: Arkham Asylum, you’ll like Batman: Arkham City. Developer Rocksteady Studios used everything that worked in Asylum (exciting battles, great voice acting), although it offers much less innovation. This makes Arkham City a derivative game, but it is filled with enough dizzying fun that still makes it one of the best action games for the PC.
Top 10 offline games should be versatile. Meet the first Bayonetta, one of the most mind-blowing games ever made, and it’s positioned alongside such works of art as God Hand, Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden Black. Dangerous action awaits you in Bayonetta, and you’ll have to test your combo skills against each of the celestials from a decent book. Despite Bayonetta’s terrible results on the PlayStation 3, this PC game is incredible. It can be properly remembered by the “Best offline games” recap. It features a mind-blowing pace activity and a set of amazing objectives, making you a truly experienced celestial killer.
Carrion is a 2D Metroid-style platformer released by Devolver Digital in which you play as a horrible alien parasite. This statement contains all the information you need to accurately understand this game for PC. There is a genre: a 2D Metroid-style platformer. Then there is the subject: playing as a horrible alien parasite. Finally, there is the scale and style of the game: publisher Devolver Digital. In other words, Carrion is a beautifully stylized indie platformer with lots of bloody violence.
That was the whole top of offline games. We hope you found the right game for you!